I Must Improve….
I’m not very good at keeping regular blogs… I love writing, but there is always other writing, drawing, teaching, researching, marketing, website fangdoolery or some such to be done. It seems never ending and I keep promising myself that I will try harder to blog more regularly.
I’ve tried Chat GPT to try and give myself a break, but it’s awful! In spite of typing in ‘write as a friendly and experienced early years teacher’, I got a blog full of ‘Moreover’s and ‘furthermore’s…. I was almost playing pompous word bingo and I was one ‘forsooth’ away from a house!
The truth is that in order to write, you have to make yourself vulnerable and open. You basically get to write what you think, unchallenged. In this day and age, that can be a dangerous thing and it’s a brave person that writes any opinion about something touchy or radical.
My new year’s resolution to Blossom was to make sure that I did whatever I could to provide alternatives to screens as entertainment in the under 6’s. So for the past two months I have been writing a lot of activities that will fill gaps and hopefully inspire parents to put their phones down too. It’s so hard to rest the pull though and the last thing anyone needs is to be made to feel guilty about something we have all become over dependent on, but that was pushed to us without us knowing the consequences.
little girl and granny talking together
But. Studies are showing that screen use is rewiring our brains and making us behave differently. So I’m going to to go and make a coffee, shut my lap top, be kind to myself and forgive myself for not being better at regular blogging and tell myself I am good enough while I watch the sunset in real life, not on a phone.