Free Resources - with love from us.

Try our Ten Minutes Together and Top Tips ranges as these ones are absolutely free! Want to know why the rest of our resources cost a pound or two? Find out here.

Here is a selection of our resources for you to try, absolutely free!

Why are we giving them away? Because parenting is tough, you are busy, and we want you to experience how we can help your family to Blossom.

Our Teacher recommended book lists for children age 3 - 6

Here are our FREE top teacher recommended books for 3 - 6 year olds.

You could take them with you to the library and see how many you can find

OR buy one a month

OR give these lists to relatives and ask for them as gifts!

Our Top Tips - Things You May Not Know About Early Reading

FREE! Your copy of Things You Might Not Know About Reading. We all know that reading is important, but do you know why? Here are some things you might not know about reading and these will explain why we go on about it so much!

Our Ten Minutes Together - Let’s Make Teds in Beds!

A baking activity that tastes delicious and is simple to make! Baking encourages so many skills and is such a valuable way to learn maths and science skills. This recipe is simple enough that your child will be able to make them again without your support until they get to the baking stage.

Our 101 B46 List - 101 things to do before you are 6.

FREE! Our Ten Minutes Together activity - 101 Things To Do Before You Are Six (or 101B46). This list ranges from really easy and simple things to do like washing a car or watching a bee, to more challenging things like looking at a real elephant!

We hope this will give you inspiration on weekends and holidays to entertain, stimulate and excite your child. Why not let them choose?

P.s. One activity is icing a biscuit. I got asked by a student ‘What’s so special about icing a biscuit?’ I said ‘if you’ve never done it before, then everything is exciting about it! We mustn’t forget that the things we take for granted are new for our kids. Don’t forget to let them experience the simple things too!