TBG to Fight or Flight
Your child’s growing brain is developing and learning coping strategies, but they are still at the whim of primitive reactions that are hard wired in us. These are hard to control and even harder to deal with! This Blossom Guide takes you through the science of fight or flight and how and when you can respond to help your child to regulate their emotions.
This guide comes with the Sidney The Snail calm down poster. Read it to your child and they will have a place to go when they feel overwhelmed and a strategy to help them calm down. You can print multiple copies and have them around your house so they can help themselves to regulate! Hurrah!
Your child’s growing brain is developing and learning coping strategies, but they are still at the whim of primitive reactions that are hard wired in us. These are hard to control and even harder to deal with! This Blossom Guide takes you through the science of fight or flight and how and when you can respond to help your child to regulate their emotions.
This guide comes with the Sidney The Snail calm down poster. Read it to your child and they will have a place to go when they feel overwhelmed and a strategy to help them calm down. You can print multiple copies and have them around your house so they can help themselves to regulate! Hurrah!
Your child’s growing brain is developing and learning coping strategies, but they are still at the whim of primitive reactions that are hard wired in us. These are hard to control and even harder to deal with! This Blossom Guide takes you through the science of fight or flight and how and when you can respond to help your child to regulate their emotions.
This guide comes with the Sidney The Snail calm down poster. Read it to your child and they will have a place to go when they feel overwhelmed and a strategy to help them calm down. You can print multiple copies and have them around your house so they can help themselves to regulate! Hurrah!