The Blossom Guide to Pencil Grip
Pencil grip is something that needs correcting every time a child writes, so getting parents on board with methods to correct, and understanding why it matters as early as possible, is fundamental to helping children make progress. This is a handy guide that you can hand out to parents as part of a welcome package, give out at parent consultation meetings, or send home in individual children’s book bags as a targeted measure.
Pencil grip is something that needs correcting every time a child writes, so getting parents on board with methods to correct, and understanding why it matters as early as possible, is fundamental to helping children make progress. This is a handy guide that you can hand out to parents as part of a welcome package, give out at parent consultation meetings, or send home in individual children’s book bags as a targeted measure.
Pencil grip is something that needs correcting every time a child writes, so getting parents on board with methods to correct, and understanding why it matters as early as possible, is fundamental to helping children make progress. This is a handy guide that you can hand out to parents as part of a welcome package, give out at parent consultation meetings, or send home in individual children’s book bags as a targeted measure.
Number of pages: 3
File type: Link to downloadable PDF
Method of delivery to parents: Digital or physical
Notes: You can use the Ten Minutes Together activity in your setting too!